Qi Ju Di Huang Wan (200 pills)
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan for red or dry eyes or blurred or blotchy vision.
Of the five senses, perhaps none are taken for granted. We appreciate the taste of food every day; a symphony or other pleasant music; the caress of a loved one; a touch of a bouquet of flowers. But at night, when they watch TV, few people stare at their screens and express their gratitude for a flawless view. It's not until we witness a blind man wearing sunglasses and walking with a cane that we realize for a moment how lucky we are to be able to see. And perhaps the only other time we have a revelation about the joy of seeing is when our own eyesight begins to diminish. Or when our eyes experience phantom spots and visions. Qi Ju Di Huang Wan, can provide the additional support your eyes need for normal functioning.
The liver
There is a famous TCM theory maxim that says: “The liver opens in the eyes”. So if there is a problem with the eyes, there is often a problem with the liver. This concept is of course not unique to TCM. After all, in Western medicine, when someone presents with jaundice in the eyes, doctors may suspect that bilirubin is not moving from the liver to the bile ducts. Here, in Western medicine, the liver is considered an organ, while in TCM, the opening of the liver to the eyes refers to the energy channels of the liver meridian.
According to the TCM theory, poor vision and eye discomfort can be caused by a yin deficiency, especially of the liver and kidneys. Qi Ju Di Huang Wan helps by nourishing both liver and kidney Yin energy.
If Yin is deficient in the liver, the liver blood will therefore be deficient. With sufficient liver Yin nourishes and supplies liver blood to the eyes. However, red or dry eyes or blurred or blotchy vision, dizziness and rapid tears with windy weather are an indication of a lack of liver blood or excessive heat (liver fire).
How does it work?
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan is based on the formula, Liu Wei Di Huang Tang, which dates back to the 18th century. Liu Wei Di Huang contains six herbs. These six herbs are aimed at increasing kidney yin. However, the extra two herbs in Qi Ju Di Huang Wan mainly nourish liver Yin. As a result, this formula works more directly on the eyes than the original Liu Wei Di Huang formula.
A healthy lifestyle is important, as is a varied, balanced diet, for which supplements are no substitute.